Just heard (re: Lesser Demons) from a reviewer who's working his way through an Advance Readers Copy of the collection, Here's his email:
Hey Norm:
Offbeat request comin' up. I read the collection this week, and was in the middle of the last story, "The Iron Dead," when...I left the damn thing at work, too far away to drive back and retrieve. You don't have a word doc or pdf of that particular story handy, do you? It's just killing me to wait until Monday to finish!!! (I don't need the story notes, I cheated and read those first, as is my way.) Thanks in advance if you can get me the story, obviously no prob if it's too much of a hassle.
Your devoted reader,
Mr. X
Of course, I sent him an RTF of "The Iron Dead." And since I built that tale to echo the pulp fiction of days gone by -- it's basically the story I would have submitted to Weird Tales if I'd had a chance back in the Farnsworth Wright era -- it leaves me feeling pretty good to know that there's at least one cliff in there guaranteed to leave readers hanging.
So, hey, Mr. X -- check your inbox. You've got mail. Attached is one bad monster-killer with a pack of stitched-and-welded dead things on his tail. Enjoy!